If you're wondering it, someone probably asked it!

Frequently Asked Question

Complete beginner?

No problem. Come on in and we can show you how to do it.
See our First Visit page for more info.


You don't need a booking unless your party is over 10 people, otherwise, come in and get straight into it.

When can I climb?

Today or tomorrow, we are open 7 days a week! (see hours here).  Come in and give climbing a go, we will run you through the basics to make sure you will be safe and then we will let you go free.

Is it safe?

This published medical study found that overall, climbing sports had a lower injury incidence and severity score than many popular sports, including basketball, sailing or soccer; indoor climbing ranked the lowest in terms of injuries per hour of all sports assessed.

It's most likely safer than other sports that you may play.

Can anyone climb?

Yes! Well... not literally. Almost anyone can climb from those who can run a marathon to those who can't run 100 meters; we've seen it all. Remember, you climb at your level. You can even go with someone much fitter because they climb at their level and you climb at yours.

Is it just for adults?

We allow children from secondary school age or older to climb at Faultline.
Children younger than that, but that are 7 years or older will be able to climb at HangDog.

Do I need fancy equipment?

We can supply all the equipment you need. Climbing shoes and chalk can be hired from the front desk if you wish to use them. No harnesses or ropes are necessary as the walls are 4.5 meters high at the most and we have soft crash mats to land on.

What should I wear?

All you need is clothes that don't restrict your movement. Skirts and dresses are not advised. Thicker clothing in winter will keep you warm while resting.

How long does it take?

When you enter you get around two hours. Most people find that this is plenty of time.

Do I have to go all the way to the top?

No. You can decide when you want to come down.

How do I get down?

You can climb down or jump safely down. Our staff will show you the safest way to fall onto the crash mats in case of a fall.

Come in and start your new passion!

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